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Membership Information

    Membership Invoice contact information Payment Deadline for package deal is February 14th 2013          

    Shoals Chapter-SHRM board has developed a package deal for membership again this year.  We are will continue to offer monthly meetings, social events, workshops and membership dues for a drastically discounted one time rate of $115.00.  This is a savings of 44%.  You will no longer have to worry about having a check or cash to attend meetings.  I encourage everyone to consider this method.

    This package deal does not include the North Alabama Human Resource Annual Conference (this cost will be determined by UNA)                                                                                            

    • In order to benefit from these savings you must be a member of the National SHRM organization.  Visit
    • If you are not interested in this package deal and would like for me to send you an invoice for membership dues only, the cost will be $40 with additional cost for workshops and monthly meetings.

    • To sign up for membership contact Crystal Wilson at or call 256-740-5762.

    Thank you all for making this year such a success and I hope that you all will renew or become a new member for 2013 and consider a sponsorship for one or all of our events.