SHRM Foundation It's your Future
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May 26, 2016
SHRM Foundation Donate Now! Scholarship, Research, Rewarding, Continuing Education, Beneficial!
Yes! I want to support the SHRM Foundation with a tax-deductible contribution of:
$25 $50 $100 $250 $1,000 (other) ______________________________________________________________
I wish to become a member of the Leadership Circle with my donation of $1,000 now, and my pledge to contribute at least
$1,000 in both of the next two annual campaigns.
1. Donation Type (select only one):
Individual Donation
State Council Donation
State Council Name
Chapter Donation
______________________________________________________________________ ____________________________
Chapter Name Chapter Number (if known)
Organization/Company Donation
Organization/Company Name
Tribute: If this donation is either in honor of
or in memory of someone, include the name
of the individual being honored/memorialized
and address for the SHRM Foundation to send
a notification of the tribute gift to the honoree or
family of the memorialized.
In Honor of OR In Memory of
Honored/Memorialized Individual
Request from donor: _ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2. Donor Contact Information:
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________
Organization Today’s Date
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________ __________________________________
City State Zip
____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________
Daytime Phone E-mail
3. Payment Information:
Check enclosed, payable to “SHRM Foundation” Charge my VISA MasterCard American Express
Name on Card
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________ __________________________________
Card Number* CVV* Exp. Date*
Signature Today’s Date
Please mail this form with your contribution to: SHRM Foundation, P.O. Box 79116, Baltimore, MD 21279-0116 or donate online at
The SHRM Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Employer ID # 34-6610067. Your gift is tax-deductible to the full extent of current law.
A receipt will be mailed to all donors who give $25 or more.
*For 2015, CVV and billing address verification are required
Thank you for supporting the SHRM Foundation