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Fleet Complimentary DOT Seminar - Atlanta, GA 3/15/16



J. J. Keller Safety Management Seminar
"Minimizing Fleet Risk - A Best Practice Approach"
(Atlanta, GA 3/15/16)

You're cordially invited to join J. J. Keller for this complimentary seminar for experienced fleet professionals! You'll hear the latest updates on the changing FMCSA regulations including hours of service, ELD final rule, Driver Inspections, Driver Qualification, CDL requirements, drug & alcohol testing regulations, vehicle requirements, Audit Prevention tips and more! Learn how to manage & reduce risk within your organization, tips to avoid audits and CSA applicability within critical areas of compliance.* Is your fleet considering the move to ELDs? Here is your opportunity to learn about J.J. Keller's Encompass with E-Logs fleet management system. Don't miss this informative and interactive networking opportunity!

Tuesday, March 15th, 2016
8:00 am - 3:00 pm*

Atlanta Marriott Perimeter Center
246 Perimeter Center Parkway NE - Atlanta, GA 30346

*Complimentary continental breakfast, lunch, refreshments
Daytime self-parking provided!

Bonus Session - NPTC Presents: "Trends in the Trucking Industry" Come early for a bonus session led by guest speakers National Private Truck Council's President, Gary Petty & Sr. Vice President, Tom Moore who will be talking about "Trends in the Trucking Industry" and how to take your compliance program to the next level! Whether you're a for-hire carrier or a private fleet, you won't want to miss this informative and relevant session!
*This one day session will cover:
Fleet Compliance & recent FMCSA Updates
Driver Qualification Updates (Part 391)
CDL (Part 393) and
Drug & Alcohol Testing Requirements (Part 40)
Latest Hours of Service & ELD Updates (Part 395)
Audit Prevention & Tips
* Within each area we will cover top violation, best practices, CSA applicability, risk reduction methods and resources to help!

"I was impressed by the amount of info given on compliance. I have been to several of these seminars and they are always helpful and well worth the time spent."
Lona Painter
The McPherson Companies, Inc.

For more info or to register please click below:

I'm interested in this topic, but I can't make the event.

We welcome you and a colleague as our complimentary guests.
www.jjkellerservices.com/events or call 1-888-473-4638 x 8150
Complimentary continental breakfast, lunch, refreshments & free parking provided.
Seating is limited, please RSVP today!
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