Event Details
2016 UNA Conference Sponsors
Date: | July 12, 2016, 11:00am |
Organizer: | Shoals SHRM |
Location: | UNA Gulliot Center Wednesday August 3, 2016 |
Price: | $250 for Exhibit Sponsorship Table |
iCal link | Add to Calendar |
Hope you will be able to join us on Wednesday August 3, 2016.
CONNECT WITH US Shoals SHRM Chapter Website shoalschaptershrm.shrm.org
Sponsorship is available for this event for $250 the cost will cover 1 Representative (exhibit table, breakfast, lunch, a listing of your organization’s contact information in the handout materials, posted on our Shoals SHRM website and attendees will be required to stop by all exhibitors) if you need a white table cloth or electrical outlet please let me know in advance.
We do ask that you bring a door prize to be given away at the end of the conference.
We will provide Bingo cards for attendees to visit sponsorship table in order to be eligible for door prizes
Contact Crystal Wilson Shoals SHRM President for more details crystal.wilson@timesdaily.com

Sponsorship Only Make checks payable to
Shoals SHRM Chapter
Mailing Address is
P.O. Box 881
Florence, AL 35631