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    Date: April 9, 2020, 12:30pm
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    CLICK HER TO VIEW Shoals SHRM – Board Meeting

    First Metro Bank

    4/2020 Meeting Minutes

    Call To Order at

    Meeting was called to order at by Crystal Wilson


    Crystal Wilson President, Christina Lewis Finance officer, Allison Cole Communications Officer, Matt Oglesby Student Liaison, Kim LaFevor Legislative Officer

    Committee Members Jeff Ledbetter, Sherry Springer, Gina Wilson, Mallory Watkins, Teresa Maddox




    Call to order

    Board members Crystal Wilson President, Christina Lewis Finance officer, Allison Cole Communications Officer, Matt Oglesby Student Liaison, Kim LaFevor Legislative Officer, Meghan Fike Administrative Officer

    Committee Members Jeff Ledbetter, Rob Hildreth, Sherry Springer, Gina Wilson, Mallory Watkins, Teresa Maddox


    CB&S Update for checking account

    Crystal & Christina received new debit card for chapter

    Legislative Update – Kim LaFevor


    A-Team member. You’re not obligated to anything, you’re just added to the roster to get legislative updates and information. If you want to sign up for more commitment, you can, but not required.

    Sign up here! Take Action Download the APP


    Legislative Update – Kim LaFevor

    Legislative Symposium Montgomery, AL Jennifer Parker: Feb 26, 2020 reception, Feb 27, 2020 symposium.

    Student Affairs – Chapter Advisors

    Kim LaFevor update

    February 13 & 14 2020 SHRM Case Competition will be held at Athens State

    Additional Regions meeting in the upcoming months

    Labor Management Conference in Tennessee at GM on February 3 & 4, 2019


    New student SHRM national rates increase in 2020 to $49

    Student Affairs – Matt Oglesby
















    Student Affairs – Matt Oglesby

    Matt update on UNA student chapter:


    --Election of officers

    --Biweekly meetings on campus 

    --HR networking luncheons 

    --Company tours

    --Study Abroad

    --Students at February 2020 ALSHRM event

    --Students at each Shoals SHRM meeting --Student Chapter Logo and promotional materials working to complete

    Company tours Planning to tour other facilities

    Next student meeting

    UNA participated in the Case Competition February 13 & 14, 2019

    Matt asked if he did not spend all the $400 for 2019 could he roll over $100 for 2020

    The board approved to rollover $100 this would give him $850 for 2020 to use on student chapter events

    Income Statement/Finances-Christina Lewis



    Received $120 April 2020 from SHRM for Recertification for SHRM credits

    Christina Lewis present the Income

    Statement for October 2019– February 2020


    Previous Balance - $

    Current Balance - $

    SHRM Membership payment $562.50

    Keeping up with Jan 1 beginning and Dec 31 ending balance This is required for SHRM affiliation

    --Order new nametags


    Paid national membership for Meghan Fike

    Stamps for membership mailout

    Purchased plates cups tea gift cards

    Food Rhoda p’s

    Hotel Speaker and fee


    Shoals Scholar Dollars 2020

    Shoals Scholar Dollars 2020 - 

    Make $250 for Shoals Scholar

    Dollars. Made donation 2/2020


    Membership New (or previous members not on 2019 Roster) 11 Paid local membership plus 3 unpaid


    SHRM sent us an additional $200 for increasing membership



     Ordered new name badges $61.28


    Emily Beavers, Wendi Hester, Stacy McDonald, Pam Parker, Jacquelyn Allen, Danny Tully, Christa Jones, Celena Grant, Andrea Howell, Amy Jones, Colandra Nelson

    (add to roster only Nicholas Conway, Nikki Regina Randolph, Amber Hammock not paid local due but is a SHRM national member we receive financial support for)

    College Relations – Budget

    Matt Oglesby UNA Student Chapter 2020-$850 Budget


    Kim LaFevor Student 2020- $250 Budget

    Sponsorship Info


    Prepaid Sponsorships

    --Athens State – (March 2020) workshop


    SHRM Foundation Change

    Initiative - SHRM Foundation $Change$ -  we will continue to take up money each month



    UNA August Conference

    Conference scheduled for Tuesday

    August 11, 2020

    Possible new location when UNA Professional Development relocates

    Collins Building

    Membership Social Events

    Looking at setting up small social events throughout the year for 2020 Venue include the Marriott any other ideas (members and guest would pay for their food and drinks)



    Membership Roster


    Squareup-credit/debit card payment

    (charges a fee so you don’t receive the full amount of the payment) $3.93


    When requested submit Chapter Membership Roster to Tiffany Brown members must be SHRM National Members

    54 Previous Current members  

    11 New members Plus 3 unpaid=68 total

    Membership Costs Increase 2020

    January1 - December 31, 2020

    Membership –$50

    Package Deal –$125

    Guests $15.00

    Members $12.00

    Students $10.00


    This is required for SHRM affiliation



    Meeting Credits

    Crystal Wilson has been submitting certification credits for meetings and conferences. 


    UNA/SHRM Certification Study Group 2020


    Each instructor must be SHRM Certified

    SHRM certification exam window is

    Instructors: Crystal Wilson, Jeff Ledbetter, Ashley Butler, Rob Hildreth


    Promoting SHRM Certification This is required for SHRM affiliation

    Board Member Elections/Chapter Leader Information Form CLIF


    Survey Monkey sent out to all members in October 2020 regarding board member elections. 



    This is required for SHRM affiliation

    SHAPE -Completed


    SHAPE deadline is January 31, 2020 for our chapter initiatives. Completed

    Search for SHRM VLRC, may have to enter Shape in the search engine on the website for correct year 2019. 

    7-10 questions, Required for SHRM Affiliations

    Upcoming Board Meetings

    May 2020 Board Meeting 

    This is required for SHRM affiliation

    SHRM Annual Conference 2020

    SHRM 2020 Annual Conference & Expo will be held in San Diego CA, June 28 - July 1,

    2020 - Save the Date - $1550 current rate


    Promote SHRM Conference This is required for SHRM affiliation

    Communication Officer

    Allison Cole-Update, Social Medial, Flyers

    Board Member Perks

    Chapter will pay for Board members to attend UNA conference.

    Tentatively August 11, 2020 if they chose to attend and there company will not pay

    President, President Elect/Vice/ Past President, Finance officer, Administrative officer, Communication officer, Legislative and Student Liaison board member



    Membership Core Leadership March 20, 2020

    Live from Capitol Hill March 17, 2020

    Upcoming Meetings 2020


    Speakers Needed:

    June 2020

    November 2020


    Speaker Ideas - 

    Labor Law Speaker

    Kim or Rob could help get speakers

    Internal speakers

    HR Panel (3 or 4 people) with predetermined questions

    ALSHRM January 10, 2020

    Crystal Wilson and Kim Lafevor Attended in Huntsville, AL


    Thursday March 12, 2020 

    Breakfast Workshop - 8 am-11:30 am Location First Metro Bank 325 S Pine Street

    Florence, AL 35630

    Cynthia Thompson - $500


    Thursday April 9, 2020 -Webinar

    11:30 am – 1:00 pm 

    Location First Metro Bank 325 S Pine Street

    Florence, AL 35630

    Alabama Health Guidance Ikey/Anh Fowler


    May 14, 2020   Stephanie McCulloch Alabama Works

    Location First Metro Bank 325 S Pine Street

    Florence, AL 35630


    ALSHRM State Conference May 12-13,

    2020 Birmingham, AL  postponed September

    ALSHRM will pay for president to attend

    (room and ½ of Conference cost)


    Thursday June 11, 2020 Open

    Need speaker

    11:30 am-1:00 pm

    Location First Metro Bank 325 S Pine Street

    Florence, AL 35630


    July 2020 

    No meeting


    Tuesday August 11, 2020 

    UNA 25th Annual HR Conference 

    Paycor Brandy Gwinn, Safety Skills Samantha Freeman and Becoming your Best  Leader

    Rob Shelnburg  **possibly need one more speaker  $1000 plus hotel

    **If this date is unavailable we need to know asap.


    Thursday September 10, 2020 

    11:30 am -1:00 pm 

    Location: First Metro Bank 325 S Pine Street

    Florence, AL 35630  SHRM Speaker Bureau Request - Sherry Johnson (our $1000 donation secures a free speaker)


    ALSHRM State Conference

    September 21 & 22

    2020 Birmingham, AL 

    ALSHRM will pay for president to attend

    (room and ½ of Conference cost)


    October 2020 Chapter Board member elections


    Thursday October 8, 2020 

    Breakfast Workshop 8:00 am – 11:30 am

    Location: First Metro Bank 325 S Pine Street

    Florence, AL 35630 Highly Successful Leaders - Thomas Blackwell - $1000 Plus Hotel


    Thursday November 12, 2020 Open  Need Speaker

    11:30 am-1 pm 

    Location: First Metro Bank 325 S Pine Street

    Florence, AL 35630 


    November 11-13 2020 Volunteer Leadership

    Washington DC TBA (President or

    President Elect must attend)


    Thursday December 10, 2020 

    Social Event 

    11 am-1 pm 

    Location: First Metro Bank 325 S Pine Street

    Florence, AL 35630 Fun and Games – Game Ideas?? Door Prizes needed


    Need to work on 2021 Speakers


     Adjourn meeting at